17 July 2022

Wedding Stationary

Wedding Stationary this stranger!

Not everyone knows what the Wedding Stationary is or at least they are not clear about the elements that are part of it.

The Wedding Stationary is nothing but the Coordinated Image of Marriage.

What is the coordinated image?

It is the set of all the graphic elements that starting from the logo will be developed according to the Wedding Style.

It will maintain a coherence of style in the various applications on the different supports.

The Logo

This can be more or less elaborate and generally includes the initials of the two spouses with a design suitable for the mood chosen for the event.

The logo will be inserted in all elements of the Wedding Stationary.

From the Wedding Participation, to the Menu, to the Placeholders, to the Welcome, Mass Booklet.

It can be projected with a light beam in a well-designed Light Design project.

Another fundamental element of the Wedding Stationary is the Invite, the true business card of the Wedding!

Often underestimated and thought of as a mere information tool about the places chosen for the ceremony and reception.

The Invite, on the other hand, must already reflect the mood of the event.

It can indicate to the guests if it will be a formal or informal wedding, for example, if a dress code is required.

The Wedding Bags can be personalized with the logo of the Spouses for example and if it is a Religious Rite, the Mass booklet may also reflect the design chosen on the cover.

While for the Reception there will be many elements in coordinated graphics.

Welcome, Tableau or Escort Card, Menu and Placeholder, Cavalierini for the taste of confetti.

All these coordinated details will make the difference!

Finally, also for Cadeaux Mariage, personalized boxes with the Wedding logo can be provided, the real icing on the cake!

If you want to know more, write me a: denise@denisemore.it or visit my website http://www.denisemore.it/en

Photo credits: www.pinterest.it